5 Signs of Alcohol Abuse

For many people who struggle with alcohol, they don’t know they have a problem. But knowing the signs of alcoholism can help in identifying the issue in yourself or your loved one. Understanding the signs of alcohol abuse makes finding treatment that much easier. Santé Center for Healing can help you recognize the signs and…

Addiction And Your Family

Substance abuse leads to many harmful results. From the person’s physical well-being to their mental health to society and their family, the harm is widespread. One thing you may wonder is can a drug addiction rehab help and how is your family affected by drug addiction. While some people suffer harm to their body, others…

Living with an Alcoholic

If you are living with an alcoholic, you need to find ways to help them and yourself to deal with the addiction. Recognizing that someone has an alcohol use disorder and letting them know that you feel concerned is the first step toward getting them help. Next, you need to learn more about treatment options.…